Elizabeth: Hey Gracy, just watched “May-December”. They really tried to capture the essence of your journey.
Gracy: Did they, though? I mean, they made me look so… not me. I’m way hotter than that, and my body? Come on, it’s amazing.
Elizabeth: I hear you. But the film does tackle something new: an actress finding her role. And having Portman play you brought a certain relatability.
Gracy: Sure, the whole “star meets peasant” thing was cute, like in “Notting Hill”. And I won’t lie, the soundtrack was killer. But the jokes? We need more hot dogs, less cringe.
Elizabeth: Yeah, the humor didn’t always hit the mark. And they really went overboard with the “old look”. It’s like they forgot what decade we’re in.
Gracy: Tell me about it. And the pacing? The middle part just slogged on. They could’ve cut some of those tag-along scenes.
Elizabeth: Maybe they wanted to show a different side of fame? But I agree, it dragged. And they barely let people get to know you, Gracy. Just the very top layer.
Gracy: Exactly! There’s so much more to me. My struggles, my time in prison… Why leave that out?
Elizabeth: It’s a missed opportunity for sure. That depth would’ve made the film so much more powerful. Still, it’s a decent watch with a few areas for improvement.
Gracy: I guess. I just wish they’d shown the real Gracy, not this watered-down version.
Elisabeth: One more thing:
