Flight Risk 🛩️🏔️💥

Scene: Bruce sits at the dinner table with his wife and kids, still a little wired from the day. His wife pours him a drink. The kids are half-listening but get more interested as he goes on.

Wife: So, how was work today? You were on call for that plane movie, right?

Bruce: Oh yeah. Wild day. First, I had no clue why we were even stationed there. I mean, it’s a movie about a plane. What’s a fire engine doing there? But then, boom—right at the start, I got to go full Michael Bay mode. Lights flashing, sirens wailing, flooring it down the highway, weaving through traffic with Steve. We looked awesome. Felt like we were in an action movie ourselves.

Son: That sounds sick!

Bruce: It was… until we ran over a guy.

Daughter: Wait, what?!

Bruce: Yeah. Not our fault! It was scripted. But still. Not exactly the highlight of my day.

Wife: So, the movie itself—was it good?

Bruce: Oh yeah. Real tight. Everything happened inside the plane, so the only thing connecting them to the outside world was a bunch of phone calls. That was actually really cool. Made it feel even more intense. And that witness guy? He was incredible. Probably the best actor in the whole thing.

Son: What about the pilot? Mark Wahlberg, right?

Bruce: Sighs Yeah… I mean, he was fine, but let’s be honest, they just put him in there for name recognition. He really played up the whole “mysterious badass” thing. Felt like he was in a different movie at times.

Daughter: So, was the plane stuff realistic?

Bruce: Mostly. The way they handled turbulence, emergency procedures—yeah, that all checked out. But then they flew through a mountain. Like, through it. I don’t know much about flying, but I’m pretty sure that’s not a thing planes can do.

Son: So what else was bad?

Bruce: Honestly? She should’ve done a practice run before trying to land the plane. You don’t just wing it—no pun intended. And there were too many fight scenes. I wanted more plane malfunctions! Every five minutes, the bad guy was attacking again. We get it, dude. You’re trying to kill them.

Wife: But was the ending good at least?

Bruce: Oh, the landing? That was amazing. Best CGI in the whole thing. I actually forgot I was watching a movie for a second.

Son: So, would you watch it again?

Bruce: Maybe. But only if I don’t have to be the guy running people over this time.


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